稀捍計畫-運錦|XIHAN Action- Yun Gym




一品武官 麒麟X路跑

一品文官 仙鶴X滑板

二品武官 獅X籃球

三品文官 孔雀X瑜珈

Yun Jin is a brocade craftsmanship that holds a millennial history in China. During the Ming and Qing dynasty, togas are marked with square Yun Jin brocades as ranks, more specifically, birds for officials and beasts for attachés.  

In modern history, athleticism had taken over warfare, becoming the main modality nations compete against each other. Yun Gym converts the beasts into the players fighting hard against their opponent for victory, whilst birds are to represent the athletes engaged in lower static sports. The reinterpretation of Yun Jin brocade through contemporary approaches such as redesigning brocade patterns and creating related sports merchandises, our generation thus has the opportunity to familiarize with this intangible cultural heritage and immerse them into daily usage.  


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