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屏東西-2019台灣設計展|PING TUNG THING-2019 Taiwan Design Expo


2019台灣設計展以屏東農作產業為主軸的「屏東西PINGTUNG THING」展覽,藉太陽起落的東西方為名,象徵著日出而作日入而息,富有生命力的屏東農民,探索農業大縣,歷程從傳統走向超級的脈絡;自設計視角展示屏東風土野性與精緻科學,以及與城市生活文化延伸結合的精彩面貌。3大展區從「屏東學」開始,挑選屏東最具代表性的6種農產,透視這些傳統農作「屏」什麼走向超級,在標準化流程中提升價值;「屏東人」紀錄了默默耕耘成就超級屏東的在地人,分享他們對這片土地的情感;「屏東選」化身為屏東最超級的選物超市,重新設計在地農產,呈現屏東農產未來式概念。由樸實傳統走向精緻超級,這場結合農業、土地、美學、一體兩面的漸進體驗,運用設計思維梳理脈絡、轉化加值,重新串連設計觀點與地方產業,見證屏東成為台灣指標的可能,更建構了「屏東品牌」非常台灣、連接世界的嶄新價值。

Pingtung is located in the southernmost area of Taiwan and surrounded by the ocean on three sides. Despite its remote location, Pingtung is blessed with ideal geographical and weather conditions, home to nutrient-rich soil and bathed with sufficient sunlight. Pingtung produces abundant agricultural products all year round, including wax apples, bananas, papayas, pineapples, and lemons, with the yielding second to none in the country. Throughout recent years, the agricultural technology of Pingtung has continued to innovate, with advancing cultivation and management technology. The organic, environmental-friendly cultivation methods and various certifications add to the uniqueness of the products, developing a comprehensive “new agricultural movement” and creating the impressive “Pingtung brand.”

The major exhibition of 2019 Taiwan Design Expo is a curation of the agricultural industry of Pingtung with the theme “Pingtung Thing.”
The Mandarin title of the exhibition is inspired by the movements of the sun, rising from the east and setting in the west, signifying the daily schedules and routines of the attentive Pingtung farmers. The exhibition explores this major agricultural county and its journey of transforming

from a traditional area to a super focus point of the industry, showcasing the natural imagery of the land, refined scientific methods, and the extended integration with urban life and culture through the perspective of design. The three main exhibition areas start with “Pingtung-ology,” which showcases a selection of 6 most representative agricultural products of Pingtung and inspects why the traditional products have become iconic items and how they have managed to increase value in a standardized industrial process. “Pingtung People” documents the humble endeavors of hardworking locals and their sentiment for the land. “Pingtung Select” is arranged as a select shop that redesigns local products to present a futuristic concept of the agriculture of Pingtung. From humble tradition to exquisite curation, this double-sided, progressive experience of integrating agriculture, land, and aesthetics adopts a design mindset to comb through the context and add value to the products, reconnecting design with local industry. The curation is a witness to the possibility of staging Pingtung as an index of Taiwan and constructs the “Pingtung Brand” as a quintessential Taiwanese asset that connects with the world. 

攝影團隊:Studio Millspace 揅空間工作室

論壇參與:李明璁、Balu Luluwan、潘燕秋、李明芳、陳美票、陳嫻羚、洪阿姨、蘇一明、趙文俊、許素珍(依論壇順序排列)
特別感謝:吳堅銘(銘泉農場創辦人)、林向烈(可可農友)、林凱琳(泰武咖啡杯測師)、唐笙(泰武咖啡專案管理)、高士栯 (紅藜故事館專案管理)、張家豪(永大食品營運經理)、張鳳英(可可農友)、許華仁(福灣巧克力創辦人)、曾薇錡(紅藜故事館生產管理暨行銷員 )、趙治平(台灣香蕉研究所所長)、潘孟安(屏東縣長)、蔡太山(老實農場負責人)(依筆畫順序排列)

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