春水珍珠 (杯)
在飲茶文化日新月異的台灣,調和茶飲市場的高速發展,珍珠奶茶/Bubble-Tea一詞,滲入了國際各 個的街道中,成為新的台灣代名詞。從古至今的茶飲文化中,鮮少針對冷飲茶所設計的玻璃器皿, 而藉由此次春水X春池聯名計劃,融合當今創新的冷飲文化,延續品茗精神,為珍珠奶茶創始源頭 「春水堂」,發展出系列的冷飲玻璃杯。
別於西方引進之玻璃器皿,重新以比例調和、吸管飲用的角度思考,創造出符合台灣當代的茶飲器皿,透過杯體的向上抬升、曲線的切分,使其杯壁貼合手部,易於手持並延續傳統奉茶手勢,細長 杯身及外部曲面折射,創造飽滿而優雅的型態。杯口寬大的口徑設計得以釋放茶湯多層次的香氣, 並保留台灣人喝手搖杯的飽滿感。杯底弧度、圓底設計,不但使飲品在其中相互融合得更好,也讓 珍珠自然的落入圓底,使得每一口的茶飲+珍珠,有著完美的比例。
Chun Shui Bubble (cup)
Tea, milk, bubbles+straw
What makes a perfect cup of bubble tea?
Taiwan’s tea culture is ever-changing. With the rapid development of the tea market, the term “bubble tea” has spread to foreign streets and valleys and become a synonym with Taiwan. However, throughout the course of history, we rarely see glass cups that are designed exclusively for cold tea. Therefore, the Chun Shui X Spring Pool project combines contemporary cold beverage culture with tea culture to create a series of glass cups for Chun Shui, the antecessor of bubble tea.
Different from imported, western glass containers, the design of the cup is rooted in the proportion of tea and the usage of the straw to create a cup that aligns with the tea culture of contemporary Taiwan. The elevated body and curved design of the cup enable the cup to fit snuggly into the palm, making it easy to hold the cup and even present the traditional tea-serving gesture. The slender design and refraction effect of the outer surface convey a sense of elegance and plumpness. The wide cup opening makes it easy for the fragrance of the tea to be released while retaining the imagery of the Taiwanese beverage experience. The rounded design at the bottom of the cup not only grants a perfect blend of the beverages but also lets the bubbles naturally descend, allowing the perfect proportion of tea and bubbles.
Made with recycled Spring Pool glass, this collection between the renowned glass company and Chun Shui Tang, the internationally-acclaimed inventor of bubble tea, invites tea lovers all over the world to take a sip of the perfectly-proportioned contemporary beverage.
攝影執行:Oni Lai Photostudio