品牌命名|小小甜點 × 大大幸福

隨時代的更迭甜點漸漸走入生活,雖然食用場景不斷改變,但始終與「儀式感」、「奢侈感」有著深度的連結。「超商甜點」 更是催生了截然不同的樣態,它使甜點變得更加唾手可得、輕巧普及。



Desserts have evolved into everyday indulgences, and despite the changes in scenarios, they manifest “ritual” and “luxury.” The emergence of convenience store desserts offers a distinct style that is both easily accessible and delightful. 

The brand name merges “mini” and “more,” aligning with the essential duality of small yet indulgent desserts, embodying the concept of “petite” and “abundance.” Beyond the “convenience” and “premium quality,” the design aims to evoke the sensation of light-heartedness.



 ・ 識別設計


品牌識別|街角巷弄 × 字裡行間的驚喜

便利商店總是需要在有限的空間中滿足消費者需求,在這樣的尺度中也做到了「藉由一份甜點也讓消費者獲得一個自我放鬆的時刻」。而甜點一口咬下擠出的滿滿餡料也反映出 minimore 的意義—「小小的空間裡收納了很多驚喜」。



Like these desserts that pack flavor in small bites, convenience stores efficiently cater to customer needs in compact spaces, exemplifying the charm of “surprises in small spaces.”

The crisp font design is given a playful twist, conjuring up delight reminiscent of the silky drizzle of sauces, the added honey, boundless imagination, life’s enchantment, and the joy of liberation.



 ・ 包裝設計


包装理念|解構滋味 × 層量想像

我們優先以「功能性」出發,著重考慮在貨架上的辨識度、不同口味及甜點品項間的區隔性。並以系統思維規劃包裝上可運用的「空間」,希望在有限的包裝範圍内滿足 「資訊清晰」的硬需求;與能「傳遞品牌氣質」的目標。




The packaging is tailored to fit the standard sizes for convenience store desserts. It allows for seasonal variations and co-branding while being highly adaptable and replicable. The design focuses on “functionality,” ensuring that it stands out on the shelves, setting itself apart from other desserts while stressing flavor. A systematic approach is used to maximize the “space” on the packaging to ensure “information clarity” and effectively “convey the brand’s temperament.”

The design integrates colors, symbols, illustrations, and images that align with the dessert’s flavor, item, texture, filling, and actual product. The semi-concentric circles divide the layout into upper and lower halves, creating synergy between design, photography, and the product with a sense of novelty and depth. 

The packaging design hopes to enhance “product recognizability” and foster “comprehension of product features,” engaging customers’ imaginations of the flavors.







服務單位|FamilyMart 全家便利商店


設計企劃|無氏製作 PiliWu Design




攝影執行|Oni Lai Photo Studio



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