• 視覺設計
  • 空間設計
  • 實況拍攝

工家美術館|Kong-Ke Museum



The “Kong-Ke Museum" breaks the norm of construction sites. The interior is composed of temporary materials such as scaffolds, corrugated sheets, and pallets to construct a living platform for both the site masters and the public. Through actual observation and operation of the site materials- materials we are unaccustomed to, the distance between construction sites and the general public is thereby brought closer. Furthermore, the philosophy of the site masters making the best use of resources on-site shows the ingenuity of misusing hardware materials. Viewers are invited to ruminate the wit and humor among the happenings on a job site.

The bright orange color that plays the warning role on the construction site is altered into the lively highlights within the cement and metal frame. The reversal of space and materials defies the impression of the site master and the general public on the given field. The "Kong-Ke Museum" blurs the boundaries between scenes, functioning as a site office whilst an art museum to all walks of life.



前期企劃:無氏製作 PiliWu-Design







Photo Credit:CMP PJ Foundation

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