

品牌視覺以早期三合院老厝的灶跤紅磚色作為主色,讓人回憶起許久未嚐的家鄉味。標準字以筆畫斷裂與斑駁材質表現格外品特徵──規格不符、賣相不佳,筆畫現代卻帶有農人純樸的意象,左右兩旁稻米傳達台式吃飯意象,整體風格呈現台灣早期農村生活溫暖樸實感。品牌視覺主要元素分別代表格外品食材:果菜類、根莖類、葉菜類、菇類、香辛類、水果類,以誇張的外型表現格外品特色,延伸品牌的核心價值 「格外好食,享食惜食」。

Veggtable specializes in Taiwanese cuisines, while bringing off-grade produce back to the table with love and appreciation for the environment. Implementing the reduction of food waste with nostalgic savories, Veggtable warms people’s heart up with authentic Taiwanese dishes.

The main color of the visual design adapts the image of brick red of the traditional san-ho-yuan kitchen stove, arousing the memories of the childhood home dishes. The logotype presents fractured vectors and a mottled texture to denote the features of off-grade produce: unfitting and bad presentation. The strokes of the Chinese characters offer a modern while rustic impression; the ear of rice on each side of the logo expresses the tradition of Taiwanese dietary culture, and the overall style displays the old-day Taiwanese rural life. The visual elements represent different categories of off-grade produce: marrow, plant stem and root, leafy green, mushroom, spice and fruit; with the dramatic appearance to accentuate the peculiarity of off-grade produce, the core value of Veggtable of valuing ugly vegetables as much as normal produce is conveyed.


服務單位:王品集團 Wowprime
統籌企劃:無氏製作 Piliwu Design
動態設計:JP SPACE Studio
動態影像:JP SPACE Studio
食物攝影:Oni Lai Photo Studio
平面攝影:Yuting Lo Photography

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