茶席酒臺|Tea Party


2015 由陶作坊/不二堂發起的Tea Party 2《混得好in the mix》,對於亞洲傳統飲茶文化體驗,進行全新的想像。團隊也受邀參與此次表演計畫,負責設計執行表演者的舞台。除了文化議題外,此項表演也因為受到各國受邀請,舞台也必須保有高度的拆裝及移動的特性,也是此次執行設計的難度之一。

Tea Party2表演,以四季作為主軸,並首次邀請調「酒」師,結合設計、音樂、互動團隊,對於老舊的茶文化進行全翻轉與實驗。在封閉的場域下將投影環景呈現四季循環的視聽聲影,與人、茶、酒之間,衍生、自我意識流動的開放對話。


About 「Tea Party」

2012年開始為當代茶產業寫下新里程──「Tea Party慢‧漫」以跨界八種藝術形式的劇碼,在台灣設計師週首次亮相,成功傳遞新世代也能接受的茶語彙。

透過現代茶舞漫漫揭開各種巧思,突破古典茶席既有模式與印象,傳統如茶文化,也可以創作得很時尚。伴隨未知期盼巡迴歐美、兩岸,累積五十多場各界分享的觀看感動,2014年團隊更受邀至法國,在巴黎文化周上驚豔歐美挑剔味蕾,美食家謝忠道先生因此肯定團隊的用心,卓越成就獲得2013亞洲最具影響力設計獎金獎、2014德國iF傳達設計獎等國內外設計服務大獎。2015 Tea Party 2《混得好in the mix》再次讓亞洲傳統茶文化有了全新演繹。展場以投影環景呈現四季循環的視聽聲影,互動設計展開人與茶之間,衍生、自我意識流動的開放對話。

Drink tea in a lounge, taste wine at a bar

“Tea Party 2 -In the Mix”was initiated by 陶作坊/不二堂, reimagining the traditional Asia tea culture. Pili Wu was invited to participate in the project, in charge of designing the performance stage. The main challenge was to create a mobile and collapsible stage that can be assembled again and again, as the project is continuously invited to perform at various locations. 

The performance is themed around four seasons, and is a combination of art, music and interactive design. Mixologist was invited to perform the experimental idea of revolutionising the ancient practice of tea drinking. Sight and sound of four seasons was projected onto the venue walls, enabling open dialogues to evolve and flow around people, tea and wine.

Tea Party is a platform where tea and wine get mixed and matched, redefining the location for tea to be consumed by the youth, made possible with a performance that takes place around a Western-style bar. A mobile circular glass screen is made with 232 pieces of customised parts, symbolising the traditional circular Chinese dining table, audience sit around the stage and surround the mixologist as he performs the movements of four seasons. Enjoy the aroma of tea, taste the deepness of wine, a whole new chic experience is hence created.



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