• 木作聚落產品設計
  • 木作名片計畫

木作聚落|Wood Village




The so called “timber street” in Taipei hasbeen bustling since the Japanese rule period, originally known as “Tsa-Liao-Ah”in Hokkien, meaning timber house, and in 1947 it was officially named as NingShia Road.

For the modern public, most people would know Ning Shia Road for its nightmarket and street food, less known for its historic background. It used to becalled “timber street” for being the wholesale and distribution center of theentire carpentry industry in the city, dating back to the Japanese colonialera, till today, about twenty shops are still operating in the area, includingtimber, interior decoration, paints and hardware stores.
A short walk to the southeast side of the timer street, is Shin Cheng Street,where several workshops specialising in industrial processing are located, andfurther down south is Tai Yuan Road, where an entire street of variouspackaging and handcraft material and hardware shops are located, these threeareas form a narrow triangle, or what we’ve named “Taipei Creative ProcessingZone”.

We’re hoping to bring timber street back to life through a series of designactivities; with the help of government resources, readymade elements are putinto use, a new street identity system has been implemented, and “timberbusiness card project”, “timber map design”, and “wood village + merchandiseproject” were also proposed and executed.



指導單位 : 文化部

協力單位 : 漢思藝廊有限公司

展覽策劃 : UTP無名氏計畫

專案設計 : 張家翎|祁孝霖|吳妤蓁

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