Founder | Pili Wu 吳孝儒
無氏製作 PiliWu-Design 創辦人(吳氏設計有限公司)。在台灣街角生活觀察者,期待設計的表現不僅在美學的包裝,是連結在地產業與日常生活的一種修辭工具。長期帶領團隊以「型隨在地/form follows story」為座右銘,持續用行動實驗、落實至文化風格的脈絡之中。
Founder of PiliWu-Design and an observer of the Taiwanese experience. Wu hopes that design can become more than aesthetic packaging but an interpreter and rhetoric that connects local industries with everyday life. The team at PiliWu-Design has long adopted “form follows story” as their motto and continues to experiment and implement the belief into the context of cultural style.
From "WU" to "UUU"
Since 2013, as a result of growing business demands, the original personal studio PiliWu-Design transformed into PiliWu Design Associates. Henceforth, the range of services expanded to brand integration, package design, product and furniture design, curation and etc.; giving traditional industries and local businesses professional consultancy by bringing together a diverse design perspective. Our value lies within providing businesses new marketing strategies and creating blue oceans through proper design planning and tactics. We hold strong belief in ‘designing locally’, the pursuit is not about a single event in history, but the wisdom and attitude a whole community demonstrate. Cultural and Creative Industry is not merely about telling nostalgic stories, but more of a contemporary approach to connect cultural threads with everyday life.
• Yii國家工藝時尚計畫合作團隊 (2009-11)
• 台灣創意設計中心D-Team顧問群 (2014-)
•中國ELLE DECO 獲選亞洲新銳設計師 (2011)
• La Vie magazine -台灣百大創意接班人 (2012)
• AD collector - the best design 2012 - THE TRENDS (2012)
• ShoppingDesign - Taiwan Design Best 100 (2016)
• La Vie magazine -台灣創意力100 (2017)
•ShoppingDesign - Taiwan Design Best 100 (2019)
•La Vie magazine -台灣創意力100 (2019)
•Asia Tatler - GenerationT (2019)
2008 提名於德國科隆設計獎Kölner Design Preis / Kölner Design Preis – Nominate
2009 學學設計獎 首獎 / Xue Xue award – First Prize
2011 香港Ilivetomorrow藝廊舉辦個展-Industrial Craft / “Industrial Craft ” solo Exhibition@ ILIVETOMORROW gallery
2012 獲選為美國指標性蒐藏家雜誌 AD collector – The Best Design of 2012
2013 提名於日本東京設計師週Asia Award / TOKYO DESIGN WEEK - ASIA AWARD - Nominate
2014 入選 日本Good Design Award大獎 / Good Design Award (Japan)
2015 與陶作坊團隊合作TeaParty計畫獲選德國IF design Award及香港Design For Asia Culture Award
2016 入選 台灣金點設計獎 / Golden Pin Award
2016 獲得 台北設計獎 金賞 / Taipei International Design Award - Golden Award
2017 臺灣文博會 Taiwan Creative Expo 主題館 / 我們在文化裡爆炸 合作策展
2018 策劃 台灣設計館 / 日日器 - Shape Of Taiwanese Living at Taiwan Design Museum
2018 獲得 金點設計獎年度特別獎-綠色設計/ Golden Pin Award- Special Annual Award -Green Design
2018 榮獲 台灣金點設計標章/ Golden Pin Award / 品活瓷/ 乾唐軒
2019 策劃 台灣設計館/ 吸茶展- Sock My Culture / Taiwan Design Museum / 總策展
2019 策劃 台灣文博會/ 工藝館- 茶3.1415 / Taiwan Creative EXPO / 協同策展
2019 策劃 台灣設計博覽會/ 屏東西展館/ Taiwan Design EXPO / 總策展
2019 榮獲 台灣金點設計標章/ Golden Pin Award / 茶3.1415展場視覺設計/ 台灣文博會
2020 榮獲 台灣金點設計標章 / Golden Pin Award / 屏東西 整合設計、視覺與展場設計 / 台灣設計展
2020 榮獲 台灣金點設計標章 / Golden Pin Award / 工家美術館 整合設計