• 品牌形象規劃
  • 店內環境



丨龍團為全新的茶品品牌,團隊於2017 年受品牌邀請,擔任品牌策略顧問。

2017 年與平面設計師合作,協助丨龍團完成品牌視覺形象,建立「水- 菁淬茶系列、气- 氣淬茶系列、酉- 濃淬茶系列」三大產品線包裝概念,而丨龍團第一間門市亦在團隊與室內設計公司的合作下,於同年優雅落成。

品茶器物方面,團隊以產品設計的角度思考品嚐丨龍團獨家氣淬茶的經驗,量身設計了氣泡茶專用的氣淬杯。撇口的造型設計呼應傳統東方茶入口的語言,並以雙層玻璃工藝製作氣淬杯,使茶品能夠不受手溫影響保持沁涼,乾爽優雅的飲用;而玻璃杯身也使丨龍團清透溫潤的茶湯更顯得剔透順口。團隊希望能為丨龍團在傳統品茗與現代茶飲的激盪下,開創現代品茶的有趣形式,延伸品牌的核心價值- 「以古馭今的品茶遊嬉」。

"Our addiction to tea is our rebel with elegance."

GUEN LUNG TUAN is a new tea brand which we were invited to provide brand strategy consultancy in 2017. We collaborated with graphic designers to establish the visual identity of the brand, following with the product package designs for the 3 main product lines of the brand- "Water" Essence Tea, "Chi" Sparkling Chi Tea and "Yu" Concentrated Tea. The first GUEN LUNG TUAN store was completed in the same year under the collaboration of our team and an interior design company. 

To conceive the scenario of savoring GUEN LUNG TUAN Sparkling Chi Tea, we entered from a product design basis to develop the vessel for this unique experience.  The cone-shaped opening of the glass mimics the rim of traditional Chinese tea cup to convey the spirit of the authentic oriental tea culture, completing the vessel with double wall glass craftsmanship, enabling the tea to remain chilled by segregating the heat of the hands. Drinking GUEN LUNG TUAN tea with a glass gives users a refreshing new experience, through the exploration of traditional tea savor and the nowadays tea drinks, we aim to spark new forms of tea time to extend the core value of GUEN LUNG TUAN- the heritage of a joyful tea experience in a modern mean.

丨龍團: GLT


攝影:Oni Lai Photo Studio

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