阿霞飯店|A-Sha restaurant
從1940 開始,位於台南巷間的阿霞飯店( 稱錦霞),今仍然是人聲鼎沸,無論是遠近馳名的紅蟳米糕,或是炭烤烏魚子…等,道道打著「美味求真」的硬功夫臺菜,是每位老饕共同的記憶。
LOGO保留著阿霞飯店從1940 代開始,就使用的手寫字體,並以店內代表性的紅色加強整體系列性及辨識度,也為地方傳統老字號的名店帶來新的氣象及活力。
the Taste of Tainan A-Sha
Started in 1940 and hidden in the back alley of Tainan, the A-Sha restaurant, also known as JINXIA, is still in a hubbub of voices. Every single delicious genuine Taiwanese cuisine, such as the resounding Steamed Fresh Crab Roe on Glutinous Rice and the Charbroiling Mullet Roe all represents the memory of all the foodies.
This project planning is aiming at brand packaging and visual coordination. In terms of the visual coordination, we use new types of colors and drawings to depict the wonderful time when people in Tainan gathering at the A-Sha restaurant from the wedding day till the three generations enjoy together. This beautiful memory and drawings also record the moment when chiefs offering their guests one after another with delicious dishes and warm smiles.
The design of takeaway packaging is origin from the “window blossom,” reacting to the various Taiwanese cuisine and food platters, appearing in a Hexagon shape with large, medium and small sizes, allowing you to mix and match diverse garnishing and food presentation with different season.
The design of A-Sha logo remains the handwriting typeface that has been in use ever since 1940. While we use the representative color, red, to integrate the product series and to enhance its recognizability, this traditional brand is invigorated by the refreshing atmosphere and vitality.
統籌企劃: PiliWu-Design
插畫設計: Croter Illustration & Design Studio
攝影: Oni Lai Photo Studio