融合WANG TEA 有記名茶的品牌標誌 #焙籠造型 作為大面積的裁剪造型,與WANG TEA LAB有記的品牌Pattern,並將文字轉化為焙籠編織條線的特色。








WANG TEA 有記名茶 × WANGTEA LAB 有記|中秋・新年聯名禮盒

WANG TEA × WANGTEA LABMoon Festival・New Year's Co-branded Gift Box

位於大稻埕的百年茶葉品牌 WANG TEA 有記名茶 與 有記新品牌「 WANGTEA LAB」聯名合作中秋與新年禮盒。

WANG TEA and WANG TEA LAB have teamed up to create a series of Moon Festival and New Year's co-branded gift boxes, presenting the classic flavour of Dadaocheng's centuries-old tea brand and the innovative vitality of a contemporary tea beverage brand.


融合新舊品牌特點|焙籠造型 × 焙籠交織

為了確保禮盒無論在何時都能適宜於店內陳列,進而思考如何減少節慶感,並延續 有記的 「#玩味」、「#創新」品牌調性,將中秋和新年這兩個詞進行#圖像化處理,轉化成#焙籠編織條線,巧妙地融入了有記的Pattern中。


A fusion of old and new brands|Roasted Cage Styling × Roasted Cage Intertwining

To ensure that the gift box is suitable for in-store display regardless of the time of the year, and to further think about how to reduce the sense of festivity and continue WANG TEA LAB's "#Playful" and "#Innovation" branding, the words Moon Festival Festival and New Year have been #graphically processed into #roasted cage weaving strips, which have been cleverly integrated into WANG TEA LAB's Pattern.

In addition, the visual on the waistband not only uses a large area of the Pattern, but also chooses the brand logo of the centuries-old famous shop WangTea, "#Roasted Cage Shape", as the cutting shape. The hidden and harmonious visual fusion is just like Wang Tea's neighbouring shop location with Wang Tea Lab, inheriting the experience and joining hands to embrace more innovations and challenges.





包裝設計|無氏製作 PiliWu Design




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