• 吸茶展限定販售|春池玻璃x 無氏製作-紅白吸管的未完待續


「簌!簌簌!簌!」現代臺灣人的內建基因裡,「吸」一口茶是與生俱來的技能。 你嘴裡剛剛吸著的那口,是什麼茶?你知道你自然到不行的喝茶動作,其實隱藏著很大的學問?你有沒有想過,你吸的,可能不只是一杯解渴飲料,而是從臺灣土地長出來的美好碰撞? 古早講「喝茶」(lim tê),是用水加上植物葉子煮成的解渴飲品;傳統談「品茗」,是指從茶香、茶感到器物、風俗、儀式都講究的精神文化;而身為現代臺灣人的我們,該講什麼茶?泡沫紅茶店點一杯杯緣浮著泡泡的紅茶配薯條漫畫、補習班上課前必買的少冰無糖烏龍加 10 元小珍珠 Double、上班族下午茶外送水果茶或小農鮮奶茶,或是長大後就是有那麼一個時刻會興起非喝到原味珍奶的癮頭……不談「手搖茶」,怎麼能說你懂現代臺灣茶文化! 「吸茶展 Suck My Culture」從臺灣人的血液出發,對比傳統中式茶藝文化,從雙手奉茶到單手拿茶,從或溫潤或混搭到或Q彈或滑順,從產地、器具到生活、文化,探討現代臺味手搖茶的各.種.可.能!歡迎光臨最對味的考現學現場,請不要客氣,用力地,吸一口最臺最臺的臺茶文化!

“Suru! Suru! Suru!” “Sipping” a sip of tea is an intrinsic habit of modern Taiwanese, it has become a cultural value deep rooted in the genes. What is the taste slipped into your mouth? Do you know there is a lot of knowledge behind the drinking action taken as natural and instinctive? Have you ever thought about the tea not as a beverage but as an inspiring collision of the land? The definition of the Taiwanese old saying “lim tê”, means boiling tea leaves. When speaking of “tea tasting” in the traditional matter, it refers to a spiritual culture in which the scents, intuitions, customs and rituals are exquisitely practiced. What is the modern Taiwanese perspective on tea culture? Ordering a cup of foamy black tea with fries and comics in a hand shake tea shop; the must-buy oolong tea with less ice, no sugar, and 10-dollar extra bubbles; the afternoon tea order of iced fruit tea or milk tea using milk transported directly from the milking parlor delivered to the office; and the recurring emergence of the irresistible impulse of drinking the original bubble tea being an adult...One cannot appreciate the modern Taiwanese tea culture without the knowledge of “hand shake tea”. “Suck my Culture” takes on the modern Taiwanese perspective in contrast to the ancient Chinese tea culture so as to enable a discussion of the prospect of contemporary Taiwanese hand shake tea culture, from holding a teacup firmly with both hands to holding it with single hand, from the velvety body to a mixed texture or novel tactilities, from the place of origin and the utensils to lifestyle and culture. Welcome to the most felicitous scene of modernology. Go ahead and take a big sip of the most Taiwanese Taiwanese tea culture!




策展單位:無氏製作 PiliWu-Design


分區策展:Shopping Design



文案編輯:劉玟苓 Wen Liu


互動來源:臺中世界花卉博覽會 樂農館




贊助廠商:100%植|FU MilkTea|QC館|元泰竹藝社|台味誌|好盒器|利成塑膠廠|春水堂|春池玻璃|茶漾一|源源鋼藝|瑞興工業(依照筆畫排序)

談茶區名單:9m88|Angus_Draftland|Dennis_三徑就荒|Jason_茶珍圓|Pili Wu_無氏製作|索艾克|張維真_築點設計|馮宇_IF OFFICE|劉彥伶_春水堂|鄭若磊_甘蔗の媽媽|戴東杰_Check Inn|薛舜迪_永心鳳茶|羅念祖_SOMA(依照筆畫排序)


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