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GQ Taiwan |
2020 GQ Of The Year 獎項識別 & 獎座設計
當你握緊接力棒的同時,就是全力衝刺的時刻;當筋疲力竭時,自然會傳遞給另一個人,接力並持續奔跑下去- 獻給微光中的引路者。
2020 GQ Taiwan 突破過去的年度獎項「Man of the year」(MOTY),於世界上首例以「GQ of the year」(GOTY)命名,打破個人及性別限制,期待在這片自由的寶島裡選出以獨特風格引領的人、團體、品牌及事件,重新定義GQ的年度盛事及所傳遞的精神。
GQ of the year獎項識別,以G.O.T.Y字首為基礎堆疊,將匯集的黑色剪影經由線性光源照射,型塑「隙縫中滲透出光明契機」的典禮精神,作為GOTY未來獎項的新識別設計。
獎座設計以「接力」為出發點,結合春池玻璃老師傅的手工技術,將沾有黑色及透明的玻璃藉由吹製、拉伸等技法,慢慢的延展出長型玻璃圓柱,再擷取其中符合公差的直線段落,精選出18組GOTY的獎座。 表面處理以噴砂工藝噴蝕透明玻璃表面,製作出具有導光性及霧理透黑的特殊質地,象徵著2020年於黑暗中顯露鋒芒的得獎者,引領社會走出黑暗、迎向光明。
GQ Taiwan |
2020 GQ Of The Year Award Concept & Trophy Design
The moment the baton lands in your hands is the moment to start racing at full speed. The sprint ends when the energy is drained and the baton is handed over to the next person. This is a dedication to all those leading the way in the dark.
For 2020, GQ Taiwan exceeded the previous annual “Man of the year (MOTY)” award by announcing the world’s first “GQ of the year (GOTY),” which eliminates all personal and gender criteria to select unique leading individuals, groups, brands, and incidents from our island of freedom, redefining the legacy of GQ’s major annual event.
The new design concept of “GQ of the year” is based on the four letters G, O, T, and Y. The silhouettes of the letters convey the ceremonial imagery of “the light of opportunity seeping through the cracks.”
As for the trophy, this year’s design is inspired by the idea of the relay race. Collaborating with the seasoned craftsmanship of Spring Pool Glass, the black and transparent glass particles are slowly crafted into cylinder shapes using methods including glassblowing and hand-pulling. Then, sections are divided according to their common difference to produce 18 individual GOTY trophies. The transparent glass trophies are sandblasted to create a matte surface that allows light to pass through while emitting the black tone underneath, symboling the recipients’ luminosity amid the gloominess of 2020 and their ability to guide us out of the darkness and into the light.
服務單位:GQ Taiwan
統籌企劃:無氏製作 PiliWu-Design
生產執行: W春池計畫 W Glass Project
攝影: 宋修亞
照片提供: GQ Taiwan
Lifetime Achievement |歌手 伍佰 Wu Bai
Best Performance|演員 劉冠廷
新生代明星|演員 許光漢 Greg Han
Hip-Hop Star|歌手 瘦子 Eso
新銳歌手|歌手 持修
跨界文化人|社會學者&行腳主持人 李明璁
原民文化大使|歌手 舒米恩 Suming
娛樂IP推手|台劇製作人 林昱伶+湯昇榮
風格企業|星宇航空 starlux
風格傳產|佐研院 Jolab
風格城市|新竹市 林智堅
Best Museum|臺北市立美術館 Taipei Fine Arts Museum
風格品牌|威石東台灣葡萄酒 Weightstone