60 年老台菜餐廳「阿霞飯店」華麗變身!

「 ASHA!」以一聲鏗鏘有力的吆喝聲揭開新序幕,台南老饕們共同記憶的老台菜餐廳「阿霞飯店」端出新的品牌視覺規劃。以中式匾額概念結合英文 ASHA 作為新店的主視覺,打造中西合併創新概念,提出「越在地,越國際」精神,用傳統書法詮釋品牌道地、經典、傳承印象,加強筆畫頭尾與尖角勾勒出墨的力道,猶如料理時甩鍋翻炒時的意境,藉此傳達台菜霸主好手藝。


Asha, A Gorgeous transformation of a 60-year old Taiwanese restaurant.

Using the Chinese plaque concept combined with the English ASHA as the main visual of the new shop, it creates an innovative concept of merging the East and the West, and puts forward the spirit of "the more local, the more international", interpreting the impression of the brand's authenticity, classicism, and heritage with traditional calligraphy, and reinforcing the strength of the brushstrokes' heads, tails, and sharp corners to draw out the ink, just like the mood of stir-frying the wok during the cooking process, thus conveying the good craftsmanship of Taiwan's leading culinary artiste.






New changes are also made to the Chinese font, using the original standard character strokes as a base and incorporating the characteristics outlined in the English ASHA strokes to enhance the overall brand recognition, upgrading the classic and re-interpreting the brand's Chinese standard characters.






The brand colour is presented as "the orange of mangrove crabs", using vibrant and lively colours with smooth lines of standard characters and graphic design, breaking the retro style of Taiwanese cuisine in the past and giving ASHA a new brand image of youthfulness and vitality.




「台南飄香一甲子,台菜武林新霸主。道地招牌老字號,獨霸南台紅蟳王。」四句字詞道盡阿霞飯店在台菜領域的地位,也重新思考品牌設計更多的可能性。新的品牌識別設計除了著墨在字體的特色優化外,也將阿霞飯店重要的「紅蟳」形象應用於企業ICON,以線條描繪紅蟳與扁額意象結合,強化品牌與招牌菜連結。同時在思考老店與新店的區別時,也規劃 ASHA 未來式的可能性,以「台菜武林新霸主」的概念,誕生一位人物IP  —— 手拿一雙筷子,擁有一身好廚藝、好功夫的阿霞人物,增加大眾認知並達到品牌形象快速傳播的效益。


The new brand identity design not only focuses on the character optimisation of fonts, but also applies the important image of "Mud crab" of ASAH to the corporate ICON, combining the Mud crab depicted in lines with the imagery of flat foreheads to strengthen the link between the brand and the signature dish. At the same time, when thinking about the difference between the old and new shops, ASHA also plans for the possibility of the future, using the concept of "the new Taiwanese food martial arts master" to create a character IP -- the character of Asha who holds a pair of chopsticks and possesses good cooking skills and kung fu, to increase the public's recognition and achieve the benefit of rapid dissemination of the brand image.






The corporate colours are continued in the menu design, with large orange of Mud crab and high-colour food photography, together with waterproof linen and metal buttons to enhance the sophistication of the menu, making the overall brand image more youthful, while at the same time retaining the delicious memory of cultural heritage.






・招牌設計|Photo Credit 丰宇影像




品牌企劃與識別|無氏製作 PiliWu Design

空間設計|彡苗空間實驗 seed spacelab


食物攝影|Oni Lai Photo Studio




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