圈凳|Plastic Classic 



優雅的古董圈椅,和夜市的塑膠板凳,都是生活中的「經典」形式。設計師質疑約定俗成的價值觀,結合非常反差的昂貴優雅的結構,與大量工業且廉價的塑膠凳,兩樣不具名的”經典”融合成另一項經典,因為歷史與使用背景的不同,成為強而有力的衝突對比,有趣的也同時結合了高級與廉價的使用背景,Plastic Classic就是一張看似一體卻各自表述的椅子設計。

The Plastic Classic_LOOP project began as a focus on the transformation of Taiwanese culture, hoping to represent what I thought and felt of living in Taiwan.

The naming of this project–Plastic Classic, is aiming to redefine the design of such unknown “classical” cheap plastic stool; combining mass-produced cheap stool with a contradicting traditional loop chair of elegant structure and expensive imagery, hence creating a new classic; a strong contrast is made due to differing history and background, as well as the cheap and expensive expression that people already had in mind, Plastic Classic is a chair that has two personalities in one body.

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