• 品牌視覺設計

  • 空間紀錄

Photo Credit|陳小曼 Slow Food Design

有記名茶 | 穿越百年的品茗茶香

「 WANGTEA LAB 」為大稻埕百年名店——有記名茶於二〇二〇年創立的當代茶飲品牌新品牌。作為茶文化傳播的百年茶廠,藉由烘焙、拼配、沖泡,三個影響茶葉風味因素,在新舊融合的氛圍裡,體驗茶的本味同時也讓茶飲更有趣、好玩、顛覆傳統想像,有鑒於日趨健康的生活型態,無糖且無配料添加更可以符合消費者的需求,帶領茶飲進入下一個世代。



WANGTEA LABThe timeless fragrance of tea

In 2020, the century-old Wang Tea in Dadaocheng renewed its brand image and established the contemporary brand WANGTEA LAB. As a tea factory with a rich history, WANGTEA LAB is deeply aware that the flavor of tea depends on the procedures of roasting, blending, and brewing. By integrating innovation with tradition, WANGTEA LAB strives to make tea-tasting an experience that is fun, playful, and groundbreaking. Reflecting modern dietary trends, WANGTEA LAB is introducing teas with no added sugar or additives, bringing the legacy of tea drinking to the next generation. 

The logo is inspired by the roaster and the font of the characters on top. The bamboo weave conveys the idea of “interwoven, layering, and community,” interpreting the generational interlace of the old and the new. 

The new store is established next to the old store founded in 1890. The classic elegance of the old store and the modern style of the new store allow the legacy of tea to extend to the new location, roasting, blending, and brewing new tea cultures. 


服務單位|有記名茶 WANGTEA LAB

品牌企劃|無氏製作 PiliWu-Design



室內設計|成舍設計 FHID

特別感謝|陳小曼 Slow Food Design

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